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Sometimes you want someone to share the experience. Find fellow riders whether you ride street or competition. Friends multiply the fun! Enjoy access to bike nights, tours, rallies, track days, and more.
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More Savings
Hundreds of thousands of members means AMA strikes the best deals. Save on leatherwear, parts, communication systems, helmets, protection equipment, hotels, rental cars and more. Discounts change monthly.  Discounts change monthly.
More Voice
It's true: people who don't ride think they can restrict your access! AMA says "NO WAY" and speaks up on your behalf to lawmakers and others. Your membership in AMA supports your right to ride.

Behind every rider...

...You'll find AMA!

Sure, you can ride alone. But you're never really riding alone, because AMA is always riding with you. No matter what, how or where you ride, we've got your back:

  • To keep you riding where you want to ride, whether it's on the road, off the road, or on the racetrack
  • To give you benefits and discounts to make your riding more fun and cost effective
  • To keep you informed, not only of the latest advancements but also of any legislative threats affecting your riding

AMA is your race official, your advocate, your instructor, your ride planner, but most of all, your very good friend. Join today!

"I wish I had known about the AMA 41 years ago! 
Even though I’ve been riding 41 years, I’ve learned new information to help and protect me. Ever since I joined, I have not regretted it one bit. In fact, I wish I had known about this 41 years ago when I started!"                   
-Rider since 1978

Don't wait any longer!

Your official AMA Welcome Kit is ready for you.

Join the community today for less than $5 a month - only $49 a year!

"I needed a tow 2 weeks ago, and you got it set up fast and courteously. Wow! Enjoy the newsletter, too."

"AMA helps (find) places so we can ride and have fun with all the family."

"What does AMA do really well? Everything!"

"Magazine is great, and I save on my insurance, so it pays for itself."

"AMA is extremely great at being absolutely transparent and neutral in every way. Also in keeping AMA members up to date with polices."

"Keeps me informed with motorcycle laws throughout the country. Along with rights that government is trying to take away!"

"The AMA is a voice for the entire motorcycle community."

Check out what more members are saying:

If your idea of a perfect day... a day on your motorcycle, then get ready to shift gears and join the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA). 

For less than 5 bucks a month - just $49 a year - you're set for More:

More Fun
Fun starts when your copy of the AMA American Motorcyclist member magazine lands with a thud in your mailbox each month. Big, beefy, and full-color, it turns the throttle up with commentary, sneak peeks at new bikes, bite-sized news updates, and skills insight. Not available on newsstands at any price! And you have the option to receive the magazine in print or digital format.
What’s your road preference: Scenic? Sweepers? Or Twisties? Find new favorites to ride near and far along with state law information to make every ride your best ever.
More Trips

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